
I am a pretty regular keynote speaker, presenter and workshop facilitator at conferences and at client events.

Below are some of the recent public presentations and workshops.

Human to Human – Sketchin Design Island, Milan Design Week 2022
Dispatches from the Future
Speaker, June 2022

Imagine Speculative Worlds to Synthesize Better Futures
Workshop Facilitator, October 2021

PRIMER Conference
Stop Designing Artifacts. Please Build Speculative Worlds!
Speaker & Workshop Facilitator, July 2021

Interaction 21
Forget artefacts. Design speculative lifeworlds instead!
Speaker and Workshop Facilitator, February 2021

Interaction Design Education Summit 20
Zoltar Says Make Your Wish
Speaker & Workshop Facilitator, February 2020

World Interaction Design Day 2019 Trust & Responsibility,
Design Better Futures
Speaker, September 2019